I've come to the conclusion that all the nasty things people say about Parisians are just not true or not true anymore. I've been here for three weeks now and the worst that's happened to me have been two incidents of 'Sorry, I don't speak English' polite shakes of the head. Almost everyone in the tourist industry, including the door men at all the museums, speak enough English to help and they've been wonderful. The ladies at my local patisserie are very patient with my pathetic attempts to order things in French and the grocery clerks smiled indulgently when I take a few moments to count out my unfamiliar coins. Even the much maligned waiters have been friendly.
I've also come to the conclusion that Parisian women are much better looking and better dressers than their male counterparts. This was pointed out to me by my brother-in-law, Mark and I've been paying attention since then. He was right. The men mostly seem to have thrown on what ever clothing was laying on the floor that morning while the women really put some work into it.
Here's an excellent example...check out the heels and the color co-ordination with the scooter!
Here's a bizarre thing that I keep seeing; brides walking around getting their photos wedding photos taken.
Of course in the 'city of love' I guess some brides should be expected...especially on those love-lock bridges. They'd better hurry up for those photos because the city is replacing the chain fences on the bridges with glass to stop the heavy locks from dragging the bridges into the river.
Speaking of the river, there are a ton of house boats on the river. They're actually real boats though, not houses that float. Here's one with a float car on board.
I don't think I would like to live on these houseboats. In the summer, there are a ton of tourists taking pictures of you and in the winter, it would be damp and cold. They are very romantic looking though.
Not so romantic are the self-cleaning toilets around the city. I guess it's better than peeing on the street!
Back to the romantic with lovely sculpture around the city...free for all to enjoy. Here is Rodin's 'Kiss' just sitting in a park.
Or if you prefer, there are street performers and odd people everywhere.
If you look closely at this picture, you can see that there are a lot of people sitting on the stairs just beyond the bubbles. Sharon and I joined them and got a free show from four dancer/comedians. We did donate to the tip collection at the end but they were worth it.
Here's an oddity that I just couldn't resist taking a picture of. Everyone knows how the rats spread disease in Paris during the black death of the middle ages and I guess they've continued to be a problem for the city. Here's a company that brags about their contribution to the demise of these pests in very literal way.
Some of these rats hanging in the window were huge...glad I didn't see any in person.
Another odd thing that I've noticed about Paris is that the homeless people all have animals. At least one if not more. The animals all seem well cared for and healthy. I guess they're great company and a lot of people stop to pet them when they put money in the cups/hats provided. I was surprised by the amount of people who seem homeless. A lot of them seem older so I wonder if there is a problem with French pensions or if it's a case of mental health issues not being met. I can't imagine what they do when it gets cold.